February 10th, 2009
John Dvorak said “SEO simply doesn’t work”…
I found this post funny but it also shows how far a person knows about SEO, who’s to be trusted and who’s not. A post from my fave blog, SEO Book showed some points on why SEO isn’t another snake oil: John Dvorak – a Good Example of Why Many Media Companies Deserve to go Bankrupt
February 11th, 2009
The big SMX event had begun and I found the live coverage from SERoundtable very helpful for those who were not able to attend the conference… Live Coverage of Keynote with Danny Sullivan at SMX West
February 12th, 2009
“Carpe diem on any duplicate content worries: we now support a format that allows you to publicly specify your preferred version of a URL.”
Stop worrying about duplicate contents and start designating canonicals. Here’s a guide on how to implement it; from Google Webmaster Central blog: Specify your canonical
February 13th, 2009
A follow up on the canonical tag; from Search Engine Land’s blog: Google, Yahoo & Microsoft Unite On “Canonical Tag” To Reduce Duplicate Content Clutter
With this, I guess the duplicate scare would be minimized.
February 14th, 2009
“Google is embarrassed, apologizes and penalizes the Japanese site with a PageRank reduction” … Google Japan Apologizes For Awkward PR Campaign, Gets Punished With PageRank Reduction
February 15th, 2009
Part of my daily routine is scanning news from my fave sites. NYTimes just launched their article skimmer which helps a lot in scanning the top headlines, more about this from ReadWriteWeb’s post on NYT Article Skimmer: Recreate the Sunday Morning Paper in Your Browser